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Planets - Rahu & Ketu - Pundit Speaks
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A horoscope is a snapshot of the juxtaposition of the planets on the day, time and place that a native is born. In vedic astrology, the position of the planet is of great importance. The strength of the planet is determined by its placement. There are nine planets or navagrahas in vedic astrology. This comprises the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The last two are shadow planets.

In this section, astropundit will release a series of articles on vedic astrology. The first series being on NAVAGRAHAS or the NINE PLANETS which are significant in vedic astrology. We will periodically release articles on subjects of interest in vedic astrology.


Rahu and Ketu are not real planets, they are shadow planets. They do not own any zodiac sign. They normally take the qualities of the zodiac sign that they occupy. Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees away from each other. They are the two points of intersection of the path of Sun and Moon. Rahu is the North Node while Ketu is the South Node.

Rahu rules the 3 stars Ardra, Swati, Satabisha. Rahu is smoky, the metal it represents is Lead. The gemstone associated with Rahu is honey colored hessonite.

Ketu rules Aswini, Makha and Moola. Ketu is also smoky and the metal it represents is Lead, the gemstone associated is cat’s eye.

Rahu & Ketu approximately take one and half years to transit a zodiac sign. While Rahu is a planet of materialism, Ketu is a planet of spiritualism.

Other Planets : Sun | Moon | Mercury | Jupiter | Mars | Saturn | Venus
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