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Planets - Sun in Leo - Astrology You
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A horoscope is a snapshot of the juxtaposition of the planets on the day, time and place that a native is born. In vedic astrology, the position of the planet is of great importance. The strength of the planet is determined by its placement. There are nine planets or navagrahas in vedic astrology. This comprises the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The last two are shadow planets.

In this section, astropundit will release a series of articles on vedic astrology. The first series being on NAVAGRAHAS or the NINE PLANETS which are significant in vedic astrology. We will periodically release articles on subjects of interest in vedic astrology.

An Aries native with Sun in Leo will have royal honors and one male child.

For a Taurus lagna, there will be a good career.

Gemini native will have only one brother who will be famous.

A Cancer native will have abundant riches though much of this wealth will drain away.

Sun in Leo for a Leo ascendant will bring fame and beauty.

Virgo native with Sun in Leo will have wasteful expenditure.

For Libra birth, Sun in the 11th house will bring fortune and full span of life.

For a Scorpio native, Sun in Leo will give good conveyances, power and position.

For those born with Sagittarius ascendant, Sun in Leo will harm his siblings; there will be a long span of life, however.

One born with the ascendant in Capricorn, Sun in Leo will affect his longevity if Saturn is badly placed.

For an Aquarian, this position of the Sun will give a chaste wife.

For a Piscean, there will be sickness if Sun is in Leo.

Sun in Other Places : Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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