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Detailed Horoscope

Horoscope is a snapshot of the planetary positions – the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node) - at the exact moment of the birth of a person. Astrologers use other divisional charts apart from the basic rasi and navamsa chart to help in their predictions. These are called varga charts. Sage Parasara – the father of Vedic Astrology has prescribed sixteen such charts called Shodasavarga charts, i.e. the sixteen divisional charts comprising Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Chathurthamsa, Sapthamsa, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Vimsamsa, Sidhamsa, Nakshatramsa, Thrimsamsa, Khavedamsa, Akshavedamsa and Shashtyamsa charts. The divisional charts are a unique tool of Vedic Astrology. While the rasi chart is the basic chart, each of the divisional charts focuses on a specific area – for instance, the navamsa which is a very popular varga chart is the ninth divisional chart where each house is divided into nine subdivisions and the planet is placed in the exact ninth division of the house in which it is found in the rasi chart. This highlights the strength of the planetary position. Sage Parasara has prescribed 16 such charts to highlight various aspects of life, which is very helpful to do a detailed analysis of a horoscope.

The Detailed Horoscope Report contains:

  • The Shodasavarga Charts (16 charts)
  • Nirayana Planetary Position With KP Sub
  • Nirayana Bhava Position With KP Sub
  • Ashtakavarga - ( Before Reduction )
  • Ashtakavarga - ( After Trikona Reduction )
  • Ashtakavarga - ( After Ekadipathya Reduction )
  • Sodya Pinda Table
  • Mars Dosha
  • Planetary war (Graha Yudha)
  • Combustion with Sun
  • Mahadasas With Bhukthis and Anubhukthis

Your Report will be available in the "My Reports" page as soon as the order is completed.

Disclaimer : ASTROPUNDIT's Astrological reading are the predictive advice based on our panel of Astrologers' opinion in Astrology. The opinion on any particular point might differ from another predictive advice on the same data.The predictive advice you receive should not be used as a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor. The readings are derived from some of the best experts in Astrology. However ASTROPUNDIT makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or significance of any aspect of the Astrological reading, and cannot be responsible for any interpretation or use that may be made of it.