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Planetary Transits Effects

Planets transit from one zodiac to other at more or less regular intervals. While the sun transits from one zodiac to the next every month, the moon transits every two and a quarter days.

Planets like Mars, Venus and Mercury transit the zodiac many times a year, whereas slower planets Jupiter and Saturn take longer. This transit will affect each person differently according to the zodiac which represents your moon sign. For example, if your janmanakshtra or birth star is Aswini, your rasi or zodiac will be Aries (Mesha). The effects of the transit of slower planets like Jupiter and Saturn are felt for a longer period and hence, are given more importance in Vedic Astrology.

Our Report will give you the effects of transits of major planets Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu/ Ketu on each house of the zodiac.

This is a general prediction based on where the Moon is placed in your horoscope. The position of other planets in your horoscope will have an effect on the final outcome.


Your Report will be available in the "My Reports" page as soon as the order is completed.

Disclaimer : ASTROPUNDIT's Astrological reading are the predictive advice based on our panel of Astrologers' opinion in Astrology. The opinion on any particular point might differ from another predictive advice on the same data.The predictive advice you receive should not be used as a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor. The readings are derived from some of the best experts in Astrology. However ASTROPUNDIT makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or significance of any aspect of the Astrological reading, and cannot be responsible for any interpretation or use that may be made of it.