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Traditional Matchmaking

Many believe that the high rate of success in Indian marriages, could be attributed to Synastry or the process of matching of the horoscopes of the bride and groom. As a rule, the horoscopes are matched for 11 parameters  namely, Dina, Ganam, Mahendra, Deerga, Rajju, Yoni, Vedai, Nadi, Rasi, Rasi Lord, Vasyam. 

Not all these parameters are equally important. Our panel of astrologers have assigned weightage to each of the parameters according to their relative importance to arrive at a realistic compatibility score and grade.

The Marriage Compatibility Report for traditional match-making gives the compatibility between you and your partner:

  • Compatibility Chart
  • Compatibility Report

Your Report will be available in the "My Reports" page as soon as the order is completed.

Disclaimer : ASTROPUNDIT's Astrological reading are the predictive advice based on our panel of Astrologers' opinion in Astrology. The opinion on any particular point might differ from another predictive advice on the same data.The predictive advice you receive should not be used as a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor. The readings are derived from some of the best experts in Astrology. However ASTROPUNDIT makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or significance of any aspect of the Astrological reading, and cannot be responsible for any interpretation or use that may be made of it.